6 Ways to Build Relationships on Instagram

Forming relationships is vital for Instagram success.

But why bother to form relationships on Instagram? Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier just to post about our products and services constantly and not even bother to get to know our followers?

Actually it would be a really terrible mistake, in my opinion…

Watch the video to see 6 ways to form (or deepen) relationships on Instagram with your followers.

Here’s 3 reasons why it’s vital to form relationships on Instagram:

  1. When we form relationships we receive as much good energy from our followers as they do from us. Our lives are so much richer from their love.
  2. We get feedback on our products and services so we can adjust and truly give to the world something that people want as well as what we love to do.
  3. When people know us, they feel authentically connected to us and that creates a bond of trust. When we are trustworthy our followers feel it and they are much more likely to buy from us. Trust is a huge factor is success. We can only put out the vibe of trust if we are genuinely trustworthy, people will feel it instantly when we form relationships with them.

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