Create content without overwhelm
Are you the same as me? Are you the one single-handedly making all your content and running your business at the same time?
Sometimes I find there is so much pressure to create content that it can be overwhelming.
Then we get into panic mode and it is hard to know what to do, how to start and even produce anything that we are happy with...
One of my Instagram Makeover students asked me how much content I have prepared in advance right now at my weekly Live Q&A and it sparked a big chat about creating content without the overwhelm.
The video below is a peek inside last week's Live Instagram Makeover Q&A. I share my strategy for being spontaneous and how to take the pressure off yourself.
Content creation is something so important for our businesses. If we can find a more graceful & enjoyable way to regularly create content, it feels so much more achievable.
T H E N . . .
. . .we are much more likely to actually put out regular quality content which is the way we are going to grow with people who love what we do...