Marketing Without Manipulation

I think I started my 👩🏻‍💻 online business because I was searching for freedom in some way.

But what kind of ✨ freedom was I looking for?

Was it the  freedom to work from anywhere and sit on a beach with a laptop and a cocktail… (Possible but highly unlikely with 2 kids in my life…)

Or was it the ✨ freedom to be financially secure that was definitely a big dream.

But also there was another freedom inside me, a yearning that had always been there…

Something inside me was on a quest for the freedom to feel truly at peace and congruent with my daily actions and moments.

Here I was, building a new business and realising that (so I thought) I had to use icky manipulative tactics to make people feel “less than” and “poke pain points” so they would buy my products or services.

W h a t ?

This was not what I had envisioned at all. This was not part of my search for freedom on all levels that I had been looking for. I was only a few months into my entrepreneurial journey.

I decided to try eliminating all the “untruths” and fear based marketing from my entire funnel. I thought to myself… I would rather feel good and sleep at night knowing I am treating people how I want to be treated than to sell more products by using deceptive marketing tactics. However, something magical happened…

As soon as I changed my marketing to be more aligned with my vision, and take the “pressure” off people… The sales didn’t go down, they went up! I’m writing this just in case you are someone who feels the same way I do and to let you know that there is another way if being aligned and truthful in your actions is as important to you as it is to me…

Sometimes I think that fear based marketing is so prevalent that we don’t even know there is an option of another way to do things… Freedom to feel good in what we are doing is definitely possible… I’m striving for that, how about you?

An invitation to...

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