Number one Reels tip

Have you made a Reel yet? Do you wonder what kind of Reels will be effective for you and your business?

It's something I've been pondering quite a lot lately (hehe yes I am a bit of a geek when it comes to marketing.) I find it fascinating to watch and observe what's going on on Instagram.

When Reels first came out I was focused on making Reels that would get me more views but then I realised that the Reels that were successful in terms of sales and actually growing my account were the more "real" Reels.

It makes sense when you think about it...  Because your real energy is the thing that will connect you to other like minded souls out there.

The ones that love what you do and will want to become part of your world and hang out with you regularly.

This is my video to demystify Reels with my number 1 tip... xoxox




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