Prosperity Process - $297 USD

Prosperity Process

My Practical Path to Entrepreneurial Freedom

Take your business to the stars and become the entrepreneurial powerhouse that you truly are...

What you'll get:

Join me in becoming fully aligned with your Soul Mission Business so you can manifest abundance & become unstoppably productive to bring your dreams into reality.

  • Step 1 - Organise to Energise
  • Step 2 - Manifest your Dream Business
  • Step 3 - Productivity Powerhouse
  • Step 4 - Success Mindview
  • Step 5 - Marketing with Joyful Integrity
  • Step 6 - Fulfilled, Balanced & Prosperous

+ 3 Amazing BONUSES

  1. My Personal Notion Productivity Templates
  2. Guided Meditation for Prosperity
  3. Access to a monthly Zoom community Q&A with breakout rooms 

What People Are Saying:

Thank you for helping me find what I was born to do. My soul mission. Love these steps :-)

Tine Drivsholm

I hope I don't get boring while raving about this course. I'm thrilled!! This course speaks to my soul as well as my pocketbook. Thank you. I need both to survive. Genius. Absolute genius. And it's beautiful as well.

Udana Power

For so long, I have lived with a nagging feeling that my workplace, computer, mobile phone and external hard drives just accumulate files and folders that in the end feel overwhelming. Step one of this course has already changed my life! Never thought I would be able to organize all these parts but now FINALLY I can breathe easier and it feels good to sit down at my desk. Kat you are amazing!

Anna Roos Edlund